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The owner would be responsible
Generally speaking, in Ontario, the RSO Dog Owner’s Liability Act of 1990, c. D.16 makes the “dog owner” strictly liable for all losses and damages caused by the dog, regardless of fault or negligence.
The owner will be liable for damages caused by his dog’s attack, even if he failed to predict the attack, prevent the attack, or if he was unaware of his dog’s propensity to bite.
The Dog Owners’ Liability Act is a law in Ontario that outlines the responsibilities of dog owners for any injuries or damages caused by their dogs.This law applies to all dog owners in the province, regardless of whether their dog is a pit bull or any other breed. According to the Act, dog owners are strictly liable for any injuries or damages caused by their dogs, meaning they are responsible for paying the victim regardless of whether they were negligent or not. If a dog bites someone, the owner is required to compensate the victim for any medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages. Dog owners need to understand and comply with this law to avoid legal consequences and ensure the safety of their community. That’s why there is a dog bite injuries lawyer.
Accurately predicting dog aggression can be a crisis. The health and biology of dogs, training and care by owners and the development in which the dog learns is essential or otherwise are just some of the observable things that happen at play.
The consequences of a dog attack on a person or animal can range from a minor wound with a Band-Aid to severe and lasting psychological and physical damage. A dog bite injury lawyer is our profile.
So how does a lawyer calculate the cost of a dog accident claim? First, it is critical to understand the degree of fault under Ontario law and how the damages were assessed in light of case law to respond.
The term “owner” does not just refer to the person who owns the dog.
Who is the owner?
Arbor v. Wilk, 2017. The subject of ONCA 21 was an Ontario woman dating a man with a German dog named Zeus, who was nine years old. Zeus had a seizure when the woman was walking him, causing him to fall into a ditch. The woman tried to save the dog, but she, too, tripped and collided with Zeus. Zeus bit her, and as a result, she lost part of her right thumb.
The woman first sued the dog’s owner, claiming that the dog’s lack of food or medication that day was to blame for the bite. Dog bite lawyer led to her victory. Based on this case, you need to know a dog bite accident lawyer in time to deal with your issue.
The Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that a person who “actually owns and controls a dog immediately before it bites or attacks another person or animal” is considered the “owner” of the dog. As a result, the woman was not awarded damages because she was considered the dog’s owner when she was bitten.
This case teaches us that people who physically control or care for dogs are considered “owners.” This means that even just walking a dog disqualifies the dog walker from receiving if the dog bites him (even if he does not become the owner). Worse, if the dog bites someone else while the person walking the dog is in custody or discovered, they can be liable for damages. Contact a dog bite lawyer in Toronto for details.